Pair | VPN |
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As easy as installing a mobile app, PairVPN instantly turns any computer, phone or tablet into your personal VPN Server! Our peer-to-peer VPN solution is innovative and patent pending!
Supports iOS, Android, Windows, and Mac. Just run the PairVPN app on your connecting device and your server device, pair them once, and connect from anywhere.
PairVPN is designed in a way that no personal information, password, or security keys are collected or stored remotely. The pairing process ensures your connections stay secure and anonymous. It creates a peer-to-peer tunnel to protect your network traffic - unlike regular VPN services which can monitor all your network activities.
For remote access, large corporations can afford to hire network specialists to set up dedicated VPN servers and firewall rules. This will not be realistic for many home or small office networks, which may not even have a fixed public IP. PairVPN allows zero network configuration and does not require changing the firewall. Allowing only paired clients to connect also greatly hardens security.